Loyalty program

We invite you to become a Member of the Loyalty Program "7 Krasok" - you will be able to attend SPA programs from certified and Top Masters, paid for bonuses from 30% to 100% of the amount. Everything is very simple:

Make any purchase of products or pay for the SPA-program for cash / cashless settlement in any of the salons “7 Krasok”, fill out the Participant Questionnaire and receive


After accumulating the amount of checks in the amount of 17 777 rubles. on the cumulative card for you will be issued a nominal
BONUS MAP “PRIVILEGY”». On this card, you can save bonuses – 3% or 7%, depending on the purchases or programs visited.
The owner of the bonus card “Privilege” can exchange it for a nominal bonus
CLUB CARD «VIP-PRIVILEGE» with the accumulation of 77 spa-hours for the last 12 months. This card allows you to save bonuses – 4% or 10% depending on the purchases or programs visited.
Pay with the accumulated bonuses on the cards “Privilege” and “VIP-Privilege” partially – 30%, 50% or 100%
Privilege gift certificates to any of the 12 SPA-programs in 4 price categories: in the performance of certified or Top-Masters, in salons of the Standard or Premium category. For your convenience, it is possible to purchase an electronic certificate “Privilege” for bonuses.

On emerging issues you can consult
Loyalty Program Manager:
Moscow 8 (926) 339-41-00, daily from 10:00 to 19:00 hours,
e-mail: bonus@7krasok.ru
St. Petersburg 8 (921) 449-47-86, weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 hours,
e-mail: bonusspb@7krasok.ru

Members of the Loyalty Program with the help of a manager can do the following:

  • Exchange of bonuses for certificates / electronic certificates “Privilege”
  • Entry in the salons on the bonus certificates “Privilege”
  • Option on Birthday
  • The balance of your bonus account
  • Any help in navigating in the Loyalty Program

Privileges for the owners of bonus cards

Additional cards for loved ones and a general bonus account:

  • +1 A registered card for the owner of “Privilege”
  • +3 registered cards for the owner of “VIP-Privilege”

Features: for obtaining additional cards you need to fill in the questionnaire with their future owners.

  • Birthday compliment + 7 days after: electronic gift certificate for SPA-programs “Foot-Break” (for the owner of “Privilege”) and “Thai / Balinese Berry” (for the owner of “VIP-Privilege”). You can get a gift through the Loyalty Program Manager.
  • Holders of bonus cards “Privilege” and “VIP-Privilege” are waiting for “small pleasantness”: gifts, double bonuses, invitations to concerts. With your consent we will inform you of “pleasures”.
  • Free consultation with an independent doctor – manual therapist, neurologist, physiotherapist.

Nominal bonus / club card features

The card is registered, not transferred to another person. It is not stored in SPA-salons “7 Krasok”. For the calculation of bonuses, the MANDATORY PROMOTION OF THE CARD “Privilege” / “VIP-Privilege” and its scanning at the time of purchase.

Срок действия именных бонусных карт —2 года.

Обмен на новые производится, если за последние 12 месяцев посещение салонов «7 КРАСОК» составило:

10 SPA-часов — для обладателя карты «Привилегия»
50 SPA-часов — для обладателя карты «VIP-Привилегия»

Nominal bonus / club card features

The card is registered, not transferred to another person. It is not stored in SPA-salons “7 Krasok”. For the calculation of bonuses, the MANDATORY PROMOTION OF THE CARD “Privilege” / “VIP-Privilege” and its scanning at the time of purchase.

The validity of the registered bonus cards is -2 years.

The exchange for new ones is made if during the last 12 months the visits to the “7 Krasok” salons amounted to:

10 SPA-hours – for the holder of the card “Privilege”
50 SPA-hours – for the holder of the card “VIP-Privilege”

The procedure for calculating bonuses

  • 7% or10% (VIP) from the amount of check for SPA services, any gift cards for SPA-programs, deposit cards “Mood 5+”, “Lotus”, Romantic meetings (5 types), “My favorite”, “My favorite”, except for action cards and services .
  • from the amount of check for SPA services, any gift cards for SPA-programs, deposit cards “Mood 5+”, “Lotus”, Romantic meetings (5 types), “My favorite”, “My favorite”, except for action cards and services ….

Term of accrual up to 7 days after purchase. The balance is available in the personal account – password by default your date of birth is 6 digits – day, month, year.

Note! Once a year bonuses are reset to zero – January 20. Bonus calculation for 10 days from January 10 to January 20 is made for the future period.

Procedure for using bonuses

After accumulation of bonuses it is required to make a call to the manager of the Loyalty Program and choose the certificate “Privilege” for any of the 12 SPA-programs provided in 4 price categories.List and cost of programs under the certificate “Privilege”.
You can choose 30%, 50% or 100% pay bonuses. The certificate will be delivered within 5 working days to any convenient salon or sent within 2 working days in electronic form to your e-mail.

The validity period of the “Privilege” certificate is 37 days. The certificate can be transferred to another person. Recording on certificates “Privilege” is carried out only through the manager of the Loyalty Program.

Bonus Certificates, partially or fully paid with bonuses, are accepted for payment for spa services in the following 7 Beauty Salons in Moscow, the Moscow Region and in St. Petersburg:

Moscow and Moscow region

Salons of category standart

«7 Krasok on Leninsky Prospekt»
«7 Krasok on Leningradsky Prospekt»
«7 Krasok in Khimki»
«7 Krasok in Jubilee»
«7 Krasok in Mytishchi»

Salons of premium category

«7 Krasok PREMIUM on Pushkinskaya, 24 hours a day
«7 Krasok-CLASSIC on Minsk»
«7 Krasok in the Queen on Korolev Avenue»

SALONS OF CATEGORY luxury (only spa-program “Baliniz-classic”):

«7 Krasok on the Arbat»
«7 Krasok on Patriarch’s Ponds»

St. Petersburg

Salons of category standart

«7 Paints on the Krestovsky»

Premium salons

«7 Paints near the square. Victory»

The service on the VIP certificates of VIP-Privilege card holders is provided in any 7 Krasok salon of the category Standard, Premium and Luxury.

See you at 7 Krasok!

* The terms of this Loyalty Program are valid until January 20, 2018.

Lost memory cards are not subject to recovery.

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