77 minutes of bliss

Duration 1 hour 17 minutes.
Thai massage using aromatic oils is the most relaxing and pleasant SPA treatment of all the variations of Thai massage: gentle manual therapy and smooth circular movements in biologically active points. The benefit of Thai oil massage lies in the effect of warming the skin under the influence of warm oil: it does not penetrate too deeply into the tissues, but at the same time it has an excellent effect on the skin and nervous active zones. SPA treatment is ideal for relieving tension, soothing and relaxing the whole body, restores the balance of the nervous system, maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it.

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Visiting time PremiumLuxury

MON-FRI | 10:00-13:00
SAT-SUN | 10:00-12:00
IN LUXURY DAILY | 06:00-13:00


MON-FRI | 13:00-22:00
SAT-SUN | 12:00-22:00
IN LUXURY DAILY | 13:00-22:00

6300 ₽
7400 ₽
9300 ₽
10900 ₽
Top Therapists

MON-FRI | 10:00-13:00
SAT-SUN | 10:00-12:00
IN LUXURY DAILY | 06:00-13:00

6300 ₽

MON-FRI | 13:00-22:00
SAT-SUN | 12:00-22:00
IN LUXURY DAILY | 13:00-22:00

7400 ₽

MON-FRI | 10:00-13:00
SAT-SUN | 10:00-12:00
IN LUXURY DAILY | 06:00-13:00

9300 ₽

MON-FRI | 13:00-22:00
SAT-SUN | 12:00-22:00
IN LUXURY DAILY | 13:00-22:00

10900 ₽

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77 minutes of bliss  1 hour 17 minutes

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